St. Macartin's Cathedral
Enniskillen, Northern Ireland
Click HERE to listen to our bells (recorded in March 2003)


(last updated 19th October 2014)

Sunday morning brought us our main Parish Harvest Thanksgiving when the preacher was the former Archdeacon of Clogher, the The Venerable Cecil Pringle. The service on Sunday evening was a Community Harvest Thanksgiving when everyone from across the town was invited to join in the familiar hymns and prayers of thanksgiving. The preacher at this service was the Archbishop of Dublin and our former bishop, The Most Rev. Dr Michael Jackson.

The choir presented special lively pieces to the enjoyment of sizeable congregations appropriate for this season at all three services.

There now follows a selection of photographs as a permanent record of the weekend. The Harvest 2011 page can still be seen by clicking HERE, the Harvest 2012 page by clicking HERE and the 2013 page by clicking HERE. (Wherever possible or known, the producer of each display is credited.) Apologies that they have a yellowish tint - should have been photographed with a camera rather than a phone!
          HARVEST SERVICES 2014

Our Thanksgiving for Harvest took place this year over the weekend of 10th-12th October. On the Friday night  we had a special "All Age Service" where the speaker was Rev. Catherine Simpson, recently appointed Deacon Intern in Christ Church Castledawson and who was ordained in Derry Cathedral in August. Catherine was paying a welcome return to St. Macartin's as she was part of a team of students from the Church of Ireland Theological Institute which conducted the parish mission at Easter this year.

For services and meetings, please  use the drop down menu on the HOME page
The Bowling Club
Estelle Latimer for The Mothers' Union
The Select Vestry
The 1666 font
Vera Elliott
The pulpit
Rosemary Wilkinson
The Tuesday Club
The Porch
Willie Holmes's "grape tree". Alright, so grapes don't grow on trees - they actually came from the vine in his greenhouse!
Gwen Saunders
The porch table
Agnes Schofield
Girl Guides and Brownies
The Communion Table